Make a difference with an accredited baccalaureate social work degree.
You already have the most important characteristic needed to be an effective social worker: compassion for others. Let Mount Mercy help develop that virtue and passion into a career that will make a difference in your community.
Through highly refined courses taught by experienced faculty and a variety of field instruction with local social service agencies, Mount Mercy’s social work major will develop your awareness of the biological, psychological and social influences that affect human behavior.
The Social Work major is designed to give students an understanding of how people function in society, the challenges they encounter, and the social services available to them.
The program strives to develop in students an awareness of the interaction of biological, psychological, and social influences on human behavior; an understanding of the impact of prejudice, discrimination, and oppression on vulnerable groups within society; a dedication to working for social, environmental, and economic justice; and competence in entry level generalist social work practice, with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
This content in social welfare and social work is integrated with a liberal arts base. The primary objective of the program is to prepare students for immediate employment in social work; a secondary objective is preparation for graduate study.
My internships while a student at MMU taught me that I could bring my passions to my social work practice. This realization gave me the courage to follow my passions, and to the work I am currently developing.
Networking opportunities matter.
The Bachelor of Arts in Social Work is versatile, from one-on-one work with individuals and families, to program planning for larger community-based organizations.
Faculty advisors work directly with students to set goals, assuring success in and out of the classroom. Mount Mercy’s faculty has a wealth of experience, in practice fields such as child welfare, healthcare, public health, and political organizing, and in classroom teaching.
You’ll get the most out of your education with hands-on field experience that broadens your networking opportunities and builds your resume. Mount Mercy’s graduates give the social work program its reputation of excellence. Our students are actively recruited by employers, as well as a number of graduate-level social work programs across the Midwest.
As a social work major, you are required to complete foundation and advanced field instruction. This will take place during the fall and spring semesters of your senior year. Students have completed field placements at:
Juvenile Court Office
Abbe Center for Community Mental Health
Four Oaks
Nursing Homes
Domestic Violence Programs
Families First Counseling Services
Department of Human Services
Mount Mercy University’s social work program prepares successful students for licensure within the state of Iowa. Mount Mercy has not determined if the curriculum meet licensure requirements in other states. Mount Mercy’s social work program isaccreditedby the Council on Social Work Education.
How To Find Out Anything: Intermediate College Research
SW 226
Social Welfare Policies and Programs
SW 232
Social Work Practice with Individuals
SW 245
Basic Helping Skills
SW 265
Diversity in America
SW 300
Human Behavior and the Social Environment
SW 315
Methods of Social Research
SW 320
Social Work Practice with Families and Groups
SW 330
Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities
SW 361
Foundation Field Instruction
SW 435
Senior Seminar
SW 461
Advanced Field Instruction
BI 123
Biology of Human Concern
CO 101
Oral Communication
PO 111
Introduction To American Politics
PS 101
Introductory Psychology
PS 224
Developmental Psychology
SO 122
Introduction to Sociology
Select One of the Following:
SW 202
Marriage & the Family: Intimate Relationships
SW 210
Substance Abuse
SW 225
Aging In America
SW 235
Family Child Welfare
SW 310
Human Sexuality
One course from the core curriculum writing courses
Total Hours
Social work majors may not use SW 265 Diversity in America to satisfy the Self and Society requirement. If students take any of the required, non-program courses at other colleges or universities, they should check with program faculty to assure that the courses are equivalent to those required by the Social Work Program.
Academic Requirements
Students are reminded to review the previously stated grade requirements for courses crediting toward the Social Work major.
The following is the typical sequence of courses required for the major*:
PO 111
SW 115
SO 122
PS 101
CO 101
Writing Competency
BI 123
Global Awareness Domain
Historical Roots Domain
SW 232
Ultimate Questions Domain
SW 265
SW 245
PS 224
Math Competency
Expressive Arts Domain
Fine Arts Domain
Ultimate Questions Domain
SW Elective or Elective
SW Elective or Elective
SW 232
Holistic Health Domain
SW 320
SW 300
SW 226
SW 315
SW Elective or Elective
GS 225
SW Elective or Elective
SW Elective or Elective
SW Elective or Elective
SW 361
SW Elective or Elective
SW 461
SW 330
SW 435
ME 450
SW Elective or Elective
Total Hours: 122
Note: Elective courses could be used for a second major, a minor, a course of interest, internship or study abroad experience.
Note: See the Curriculum section for more information on Portal, Competency, Domain, and Capstone courses.
The course offerings, requirements, and policies of Mount Mercy University are under continual examination and revision.This Catalog presents the offerings, requirements, and policies in effect at the time of publication and in no way guarantees that the offerings, requirements, and policies will not change.
This plan of study represents a typical sequence of courses required for this major. It may not be applicable to every student. Students should contact a department faculty member to be sure of appropriate course sequence.
All countries have some form of social welfare. The policies, program structure, and availability of resources may vary, but the issues of concern are often shared. Some of these universal issues include homelessness, mental illness, juvenile delinquency, aging and long-term care, child maltreatment and domestic violence. A social worker's understanding of the US social welfare system will be enhance by exploring how other countries view social welfare problems, and work toward their solutions. This course is built as a travel course that will tour cultural and historical sites throughout selected countries, visit social service agencies, and attend lectures and complete reading specific to the country's system of social welfare. In addition to visiting social service agencies, students will participate in a a service project. The majority of student time will be directed toward experiential opportunities. Fulfills the social work elective. Additional travel costs apply. Credit can range from 1 -3 semester hours.
This course is an introduction to the array of people, programs, and organizations whose intent is to respond to human needs of various kinds and intensity. It deals with both professional and non-professional activities. The course provides a basic framework for understanding the ideology and operation of human service systems. In addition, the student will develop a beginning understanding of the relationship between social policy and various approaches to human service programming to meet the intent of those policies. Through exposure to the service system in Linn County and this area of the state, the student will become informed about the service needs that exist and the responses to those needs. Social Work majors who believe they have completed and equivalent to this course should contact the instructor to discuss whether they are required to take this course. (offering winter term.).
This course examines intimate partner relationships and families as expressed throughout time and place in contemporary American society. It provides an analysis of intimate partnerships and families over the life course as social institutions with changing functions and structures. Attention will be given to intimate partnerships and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships across diverse groups and social settings. Students will gain insight into the influences of religion, politics, culture, education, and economics on individual and family-level well-being.
This course describes commonly abused drugs and specific mental illnesses, how they interact, and the resulting impact on individuals, families, and communities. The course will introduce theories of the addictive process, prevention and treatment options for both substance abuse and mental illness, and the dilemma of dual diagnosis. This course is not intended to provide specific counseling of therapeutic skills, but a general knowledge base essential to social work and other disciplines. Prerequisite: SO 122, PS 101 and at least sophomore status. Exemption from prerequisites by consent of instructor.
This course constitutes an overview of gerontology, including the major theories used to explain the physiological, psychological, and sociological aspects of aging. As the one inequality all people face, the study of aging and ageism - known as social gerontology - examines the transformations in the life course of older adults and the impacts on those they encounter. Drawing from an historical perspective, the course explores current issues and trends related to finances and retirement, health, living environments, social justice, and politics. Prerequisite: SO 122.
This course examines the development of major social welfare policies and programs in the United States. It seeks to sharpen the student's ability to analyze the relationship of policy to social program, and the economic, political and ideological influence on policy and programs in the fields of housing, health, mental health, substance abuse, unemployment, and corrections are studied. Prerequisite: PO 111 and sophomore status.
This course combines readings, lectures, discussions, classroom exercises, and experiential activities to develop students' competencies for generalist social work practice. Students examine the person-in-environment framework, ecosystems model, strengths and empowerment perspectives, and cultural humility as guiding principles for generalist practice. They gain knowledge about the Social Work profession’s values and Code of Ethics with opportunities to demonstrate how these are applied to ethical dilemmas in practice. Students also develop skills in constructing professional relationships, talking with clients, assessing client situations, planning for change, implementing change, and evaluating outcomes.
This course analyzes the dilemmas and issues that confront child welfare practitioners as they carry professional roles. It will provide a theory base from which to proceed in service delivery, emphasizing the special work done in family preservation and out of the home care. Legal, social, and economic-political developments that influence this field of practice are included. Recommended: PS 124, SW 226.
This is an experientially-based course focusing on the values, knowledge, and skills necessary to work in the helping professions. The course provides a model of helping, including communication and basic interview techniques for working with individuals, families, and groups. Class format offers role-plays, simulation exercises, audio-visual feedback, discussion and lecture. The course is open to all majors. First priority goes to students who need this course to complete a requirement for their major. Prerequisite: PS 101 and sophomore status.
This course takes a broad view of diversity in contemporary America. Students will explore how diversity and intersectionality shape human experiences and identity development and affect equity and inclusion. The dimensions of diversity that will be discussed as the intersectionality of factors include but are not limited to age, caste, class, color, culture, disability and ability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, generational status, immigration status, legal status, marital status, political ideology, race, nationality, religion and spirituality, sex, sexual orientation, and tribal sovereign status. Emphasis will be given to developing an understanding of the concept of intersectionality, a sensitivity to the experience of historically minoritized populations, and an appreciation of the unique identities, lived experiences, and different cultures in the United States. First priority is reserved for students who need this course to complete their major.
The emphasis of this course is to provide the student with a social systems framework for analyzing and understanding the transactions between humans and the systems in their environment. Students will be expected to draw on content they have had in prerequisite courses, applying it to the framework. Their information base also will be supplemented by reading and discussion. Although the content of this course is developed within a social work framework, it is relevant to many students. Prerequisites: PS 101, SO 122, BI 123 (or equivalent), PS 124.
This course examines cutting edge scholarship on the sociology of sex, gender, and sexuality. Because these are major organizing principles of contemporary social life, we will examine gender and sexuality from multiple levels of analysis including the meaning and experience of the body, self, and identity, social groups and networks, as well as social organization with in our major social institutions. We also discuss how gender intersects with other social statuses, such as race, ethnicity, social class, sexuality, and nationality to reproduce inequalities and power relations. Prerequisites: SO 122, SO 155, SO 183, or SO 200.
Provides an understanding of a scientific approach to knowledge building with an emphasis on teaching students to be critical consumers of research. Examines quantitative and qualitative methods and applications used in social sciences research including data analysis, program evaluation, and ethics and diversity in social worlds. Prerequisite: junior status; recommended SO 122.
Students will study effective generalist social work practice with and on behalf of families and groups. The purposes of social work at these levels and related worker roles and tasks will be emphasized. Theories of intervention will be examined for their contribution to an eclectic knowledge base. A strengths-based orientation focused on equity and inclusion in to practice with diverse populations is emphasized. Prerequisites: SW 232, SW 226 and present enrollment in or prior completion of SW 245 and SW 300.
This course examines social work practice with large systems. Students employ anti-oppressive and anti-racists lenses while learning change models that are specific to working with organizations and communities. Each system is studied to understand its internal organization and functioning, and its linkages with other community systems. Special attention is also given to the role of politics; the effect of politics on social workers, clients, and human service agencies; the social worker's fit with political activism; and the strategies to affect change within the political arena. Students use their critical thinking skills to analyze, formulate, implement, evaluate and advocate for change in organizational, community, and social policies; to acknowledge the presence and etiology of social, racial, economic, and political injustices; and to recognize change opportunities that provide for empowerment of oppressed groups. Prerequisites: SW 232, SW 226, SW 300, PO 111, and current enrollment or prior completion of PO 326.
This educationally directed, field-based course is designed to provide an introduction to the application of theory to social work practice. Students will have an opportunity to experience both direct and indirect service with individuals and large and small systems. Students will spend 12 hours per week in the field placement where they will be supervised by an agency staff member and a Social Work faculty member. Students will be expected to do related readings, assignments, and recording of service delivery experiences. A concurrent seminar will meet two hours per week. This course is graded pass/fail. Prerequisites: SW 226, SW 232, SW 245, SW 300, and PO 326.
An examination of current issues in Social work practice and social welfare policies with emphasis on integration of field experience and content covered in courses required for the social work major. Topics researched are analyzed in light of the major themes and content areas developed throughout the social work curriculum. Prerequisite: Successful completion of all other courses required for major.
Limited to social work majors.
This educationally-directed practical experience builds on the junior field instruction and allows students to increase their ability to practice social work in a community agency. Students will spend 24 hours per week in the field placement where they will be supervised by an agency staff member and a social work faculty member. Students will be expected to do related readings, assignments, and recording of service delivery experiences. A concurrent seminar will meet two hours a week. The course is graded pass/fail. Prerequisites; SW 320, SW 361, and full acceptance into the major; prior completion or concurrent enrollment in SO 215.
This course is an educationally directed field experience in some aspect of generalist social work practice It will involve the student in a social service agency for 12 clock hours per week per term. Students will be expected to do related readings, recording of case or agency experiences, and meet with agency supervisors and department faculty for educational guidance. This course is graded pass/fail. This does not substitute for SW 461 and must be taken concurrently or subsequently to SW 461. It does not satisfy the elective requirement for the major. Prerequisite: permission of department faculty.
Transitioning to Mount Mercy University from Kirkwood Community College was easy for Kelsey Kreuder ‘25, thanks to the support of professors and her new community.
Mike Barnhart ’97 never pictured himself as a college graduate. Despite this, Mike graduated from Mount Mercy University, has thrived during a long career with non-profit agencies, and serves as the CEO of Horizons A Family Service Alliance.
Enter the field with confidence from having previous experience.
The Bachelor of Arts in social work is considered the entry level of professional practice. You will be prepared to carry out professional roles in social service agencies working with individuals, families, and groups.
You will also have preparation to carry out broader organizational and community roles. Additionally, you are eligible to apply for social work licensure in states where it is either mandatory or voluntary at the bachelor level of practice.
Students who graduate from Mount Mercy with an accredited baccalaureate social work major may be eligible for "advanced standing" in many Masters of Social Work programs. This usually allows a student to complete the MSW in a shorter amount of time than the regular program takes.
Graduates from our social work program are prepared to work in a variety of fields, including:
Child protective services
In-home family services
Juvenile and adult corrections
Substance abuse treatment
Programs for people with disabilities and for the elderly